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Showing posts from February 11, 2018

AP TET 2017-18 Exam Centers Allocation – Press Release

AP TET 2017-18 Exam Centers Allocation – Press Release PRESS BRIEF TET 2017 – Allocation of E x am Centres 1. I n all 4,40,518 cand i dates applied for T E T 2017. 2. As per the clause no13 of the T E T 2017 Notification and Information Bulletin it was informed that the candidates will be allotted exam centre from among the 5 preferenc e s given by them. However, allotment of centres hall be discretion o f department. Further, all the candidates also si g ned declaration in agreement to the di s cretion of department regarding test centre allotment. 3. Out   of   4,40,518   a pplicants,   the   preferences   of      15,6 0 5   (3.5%) candidates could n o t be accommodated in their preferential districts in view of limited e x am centres and sea t s in the district. Consequently while 61,453 candidates applied for Chittoor and Kappa districts, 3,110 candidates a r e allotted exam